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IBM Team and Scientist from the Università Gabriele D’Annunzio, Visit Gallaudet Univ & Creative Way

March 01, 2018

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Brent Shiver (Advisory Software Engineer, Accessibility Technology & Innovation, IBM Research); Jason Lamberton (Mocap Scholar, Motion Light Lab and Mocap Studio, Gallaudet University); Dr. Fabrizio Renzi (IBM Italy Director for Technical, Innovation, and Research); Dr. Pietro Leo (Executive Architect & CTO, IBM Italy Chief Scientist and Research Strategist, IBM Academy of Technology Leadership, Head of IBM Italy Center of Advanced Studies); Melissa Malzkuhn (Creative Director, Motion Light Lab and Mocap Studio, Gallaudet University); Professor Laura-Ann Petitto (Petitto Brain and Language Laboratory for Neuroimaging, BL2, Gallaudet University); Professor Arcangelo Merla (Thermal IR Imaging Scientist, Università Gabriele D’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Italy) Date: February 27, 2018

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