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Exciting Creation of New Stimuli: BL2’s Cryss Padilla in MoCap Rig for New NSF RAVE Experiment

February 04, 2019

Cryss Padilla, a laboratory scientist assistant in Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto’s Brain and Language Lab for Neuroimaging (BL2), is pictured in the Motion Capture (MoCap) rig in preparation to make the MoCap stimuli for the Petitto team’s new National Science Foundation (NSF) RAVE Experiment with Professor Arcangelo Merla (Universita D’Annunzio/UD’A Chieti-Pescara, Italy) and BL2’s National Science Foundation Visiting Scholar Chiara Filippini (UD’A, and Gallaudet University). Jason Lamberton, Avatar Technician, is also shown in the photos.

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