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Dr. Laura-Ann Petitto conducts NSF INSPIRE research and meetings with collaborating researchers

May 20, 2018

Photo: Experimental Team hard at work (seated left: Eduwardo Spadolini; standing left: Professor Arcangelo Merla (Head of fNIRS Neuroimaging and Neurophysiological Thermal IR Imaging Laboratory, Università Gabriele d’Annunzio-Chieti Pescara Italy); seated in middle: Professor Laura-Ann Petitto; seated right: Chiara Filippini.

Professor Petitto and research collaborators on the NSF INSPIRE “RAVE” grant (Petitto, PI, Gallaudet University prime) meet at the Universitá Gabriele d’Annunzio-Chieti Pescara, Italy to discuss experimental data collected, new advances in the Merla team’s integrated thermal IR imaging analyses, as well as to plan new robotic-avatar-thermal IR imaging experiments for the coming year.

The team also discussed the Research Program plan for graduate student Chiara Filippini’s upcoming visit to Gallaudet University, where she will join Petitto’s Brain and Language Laboratory for Neuroimaging (BL2).

Photos: Graduate Student Chiara Filippini (Advisor: Professor Arcangelo Merla) and Professor Petitto discuss a new Research Program Plan for their NSF INSPIRE experiments with prototype Robot + combined visual avatar display + thermal IR imaging. Seated left: Chiara Filippini; seated right: Professor Laura-Ann Petitto

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